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Meet our Team.

Building a personal connection with audience is one small step towards a mutual trusting relationship. If we provide services through our company or design studio, a nice treat for visitors is finding a team page on our Website.

Dhirendra Singh, Editor

Dhirendra Singh, the editorial page editor of, is in charge of the Opinion department. He oversees the editorial board.

Dhirendra Singh became editorial page editor in Feb 2020. He is a senior assignment editor who oversees national and international coverage. His mandate is to dream up interesting approaches to the news of the day.

Aditya Gupta, News Editor

Aditya Gupta is a News Editor at Rasra’s News Content Center in Rasra, joining the network in 2020. He works with crews across the country facilitating live coverage and news gathering for TV and digital stories.

He usually works on stories in the Rasra part of the Ballia, where he grew up. Aditya Gupta graduated with a bachelor’s degree in Computer Science and interested in Journalism and Content writing.


Mumtaz Studio, Media Manager

Mumtaz Studio provides news content and images for this website. Mumtaz Studio has 9 years old professional photography services company, specializing in Fashion & Portfolio and Portraits photography.

Rethinking the Rasra News Experience.

Most time spent on Web Design happens at the point of site design. Most people who consider themselves part of the Web design industry are working at the site level.

Story highlights

Back after a long holiday weekend, lawmakers must reach an agreement on a budget plan before the Friday deadline when government funding runs out, but demands from each side of the aisle are impeding progress on negotiations.
